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Processes Optimization PDF Print E-mail

Process optimization is the ability to optimize or improve a process and is dependent upon the ability to control the process. The ability to control the process is dependent upon the access to reliable and valid measurements. A successful bussines process optimization thus entails a strategic approach encompassing the whole chain:

Measuring => Controlling => Optimizing

The objecives are to modify a process as to deliver higher yield, more productivity or higher return from existing assets or people.

The methods used by Blue Lab Consulting to optimize procesess are:

  • Blue LEAN ™ - proprietary pack of services designed to transform the way of doing business by challenging the current processes and removing the waste, based on customer centricity concept.
  • Lean - is centered on preserving value with less work, optimizing a process in less than one month;
  • Six Sigma - seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects (errors) and minimizing variability in business processes;
  • Lean Six Sigma - is a synergized managerial concept of Lean and Six Sigma.

Our capabilities in business process management, process improvement, enterprise transformation and performance management allow us to bring innovative perspectives to our clients’ opportunities and issues.

If your organization is seeking to bridge the gap between strategy and execution, optimize business processes, build a culture of continuous improvement, and transform your enterprise, contact us to learn how we can help.